Monday, October 10, 2011

I am Back!!!

Hello my fellow Moco fans! Sorry I haven't been on. I know you have missed me and if you didn't well, too bad! You do what I say and I say you missed me! Anyway I wasn't in Europe but my owner says its really pretty and cold. So as you know you've been missing out on my awesome live so let's start talking! So lately I have been changing my diet a bit and by that I mean I got to taste the chicken of Chick-fil-A grilled chicken sandwich. I know that's not very exciting to you but to me its awesome. Anyway mostly everyone knows Halloween is coming up and I might be going trick-or-treating! My sister Holly wore a pirate costume and I might wear it, but I think its too small and its a dress! Excuse me but I'm not a girl!!! Am I? Bet you 6 bones I'm not a girl! Anyway this weekend I went to Castaway Island and I saw 3 dogs in 3 minutes. The first one was behind us and she was a brown schnauzer next was in front a black shih tzu I think and the last was a big boxer tied to a bike. I didn't care if my owner kept saying "she could eat you" I just wanted someone to play with. Sooo other things we did there... sniff! Do you smell something? It smells like like chicken! Well smells I mean looks like its lunch time! I know its 10:00 in the morning but lunch is always on m schedule every half hour. Well bye my bloggers! Stick around!

PS. hey guys my friend Roxy's blog isn't doing good so please visit this website I mean blog