Saturday, March 2, 2013

Long Time No See

Hello bloggers! It has been a while since we've seen each other! There is a bunch of news for you! As you all know I've missed some holidays so lets start there. Happy Valentines day for 2012 and 2013! Happy St.Patricks and Happy 4th of July! Happy Halloween and I hope you got tons of candy! Merry Christmas. Most importantly HAPPY NEW YEAR! It is now 2013 and I am a 3 year old chiweenie. I have missed you all so much! I hope to post more in the future! Time for breakfast!

Sunday, January 8, 2012

Hanah Park

Hello Bloggers! Today I went to Hanah Park. I am not sure how to spell Hanah in Hanah Park but I'm going to go with the way I am using it now. Anyway while I was there I was offleash almost the whole time. I really love Hanah Park so much because it has a beach and I love beaches. So me and my owner went to the beach and saw like... ummm.... a lot of dogs. I am not sure how many but a couple. Ther was about 3 big dogs and 2 dogs that were small (well about my size). When I met snout to snout with them I squealed like a spider monkey! I don't know what got into me but I have got to work on my socializing skills. So yeah that was a tough day at the beach. While we were walking back to the car I was starting to get tired. As we reached the car my feet almost broke from how long I had been walking and running(ish). Then to my suprise we went on another short walk. When we were turning around I wasn't sure I could make it. But I tried and tried and I made it. So yeah that's pretty much my day. Well see you later bloggers! Bye!

Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Visit a Site or Blog

Hello bloggers! I am here today to tell you about a fresh blog (by fresh I mean new not like a fresh sausage right off the grill with its dripping goodness, divine smell and sensational taste how could you resist. Oh right the topic)! So the blog is called and she has some posts but will keep adding. So if you're looking for another blog to follow (but also follow my blog and my other blog then go to Roxy247's blog. Hope you enjoy just like you enjoy mine. See you later bloggers!

P.S. Go to the website I mean blog sorry. This was just a reminder. So... What are you waiting for? Go visit it!!!

I am Freezing my Tail Off!!!

Ola me muchachos! Since no one commented on if they like "ola muchachos" or "hello bloggers" better. So I'm going to go with "Ola muchachos!" So.... Ola Muchachos! Anyway today my owners went to Wal*Mart to find me a sweater or jacket 'cause (now this is pretty obvious especially since it says it in the title.) I am freezing my little tail off!!!!!!!!!!!! Then there was another problem. They didn't have my size! Apparently I wear a M (medium) and there was this nice sweater but it wouldn't fit! Some of them were so small they almost chocked me! So while I freeze my tail off they are going to go sweater shopping again tomorrow. Hope they have a sweater in my size. So yeah. That's it bloggers! Good night and good bye!

P.S. I know this might kind of boring but it's my latest update so yeah! 

Monday, January 2, 2012

Scray Fireworks

Ola me muchachos! Do you like "Ola me muchacos" better or "Hello Bloggers!" Well leave a comment about which one you like better! Anyway back to the topic of this post (the topic is: Scary Fireworks). So you know on New Year's you hear like a million fireworks. Well I sure did especially since my owners got some fireworks too. Some of them were just poppers and some of them looked like shooting stars when they were shot. But no matter which one it was I was shaking. I wanted inside when I was scared but wanted outside when I thought they were done. I am happy it's finally 2012 because if it wasn't I would be trembling from the fireworks again. I want to wait till 2013. Oh just the thought. "BOOM! BOOM! POP! FRIZZLE!" Oh those terrible fireworks. I mean they're pretty but loud and scary. Well see you next time bloggers! Hope next time I see you there arn't any fireworks. Well good bye and good night.

Sunday, January 1, 2012

Happy New Year and Some Other Things

Hey Bloggers! I know I have been away from this blog a long time and haven't been posting for a long time but here I am again. First of all as you all know, it's 2012!!! So happy new year and I have some other news. Drum roll please (drum roll) I am here to tell you that..... Today is my birthday!!! I am now 2 years old! But some people didn't get me a gift. So if you would nice enough please send some chew toys, bones, bacon, soft bed, a cat for me to rip apart and anything else you would like to get me to this adress: Bone Drive  234867 Blvd. and I will be super happy and thankful. Anyway I'm happy to post my post on the first day of 2012. Anyway gotta go. It's bed and I'm tired anyway so (yawns) good night bloggers. See you soon (yawns) when I have time. Happy New Yea.... (snores) zzzzzzzzzz.

Monday, October 10, 2011

I am Back!!!

Hello my fellow Moco fans! Sorry I haven't been on. I know you have missed me and if you didn't well, too bad! You do what I say and I say you missed me! Anyway I wasn't in Europe but my owner says its really pretty and cold. So as you know you've been missing out on my awesome live so let's start talking! So lately I have been changing my diet a bit and by that I mean I got to taste the chicken of Chick-fil-A grilled chicken sandwich. I know that's not very exciting to you but to me its awesome. Anyway mostly everyone knows Halloween is coming up and I might be going trick-or-treating! My sister Holly wore a pirate costume and I might wear it, but I think its too small and its a dress! Excuse me but I'm not a girl!!! Am I? Bet you 6 bones I'm not a girl! Anyway this weekend I went to Castaway Island and I saw 3 dogs in 3 minutes. The first one was behind us and she was a brown schnauzer next was in front a black shih tzu I think and the last was a big boxer tied to a bike. I didn't care if my owner kept saying "she could eat you" I just wanted someone to play with. Sooo other things we did there... sniff! Do you smell something? It smells like like chicken! Well smells I mean looks like its lunch time! I know its 10:00 in the morning but lunch is always on m schedule every half hour. Well bye my bloggers! Stick around!

PS. hey guys my friend Roxy's blog isn't doing good so please visit this website I mean blog