Monday, January 2, 2012

Scray Fireworks

Ola me muchachos! Do you like "Ola me muchacos" better or "Hello Bloggers!" Well leave a comment about which one you like better! Anyway back to the topic of this post (the topic is: Scary Fireworks). So you know on New Year's you hear like a million fireworks. Well I sure did especially since my owners got some fireworks too. Some of them were just poppers and some of them looked like shooting stars when they were shot. But no matter which one it was I was shaking. I wanted inside when I was scared but wanted outside when I thought they were done. I am happy it's finally 2012 because if it wasn't I would be trembling from the fireworks again. I want to wait till 2013. Oh just the thought. "BOOM! BOOM! POP! FRIZZLE!" Oh those terrible fireworks. I mean they're pretty but loud and scary. Well see you next time bloggers! Hope next time I see you there arn't any fireworks. Well good bye and good night.

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