Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Meet one of my friends

 Hello fellow bloggers! This here is my friend Coco. He's from one of my owners friends. Also I want to say something embarrissing about him. I weigh          14 lbs, and he weighs only half witch is 7 lbs. Pretty embarissing,right? But he's still cute. Anyway he's older than me. He's 1 year old and I am 11 months old. So that's the embarissing part for me. Sorry bloggers but got to go. My computer needs to be charged because, it's not plugged in and it has only 16% battery left wich is only 16 minutes till my computer attamaticly shuts down faster than a dog on a rollor coaster going 250 miles per hour. Anyway... Bye bloggers! See you next time if my computer is alive and dosn't die from battery stroke. Bye!

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Comments from you!

Hey everybody I thought it was time to read aloud all the great comments posted by you my great blogger fans. Here or some comments... Comment #1. I had a dog when I was in third grade. He did not like to ride in the car. He was always happy when he got back home and could run around again. Ok, comment #2. Sounds like a winning combination of dinner treats. Fries are my favorite!!! You are lucky to have such great teachers. ;) I hear they have a pretty great student too - can you guess who that might be?  Comment #3. Hi Holly! She looks like she was such a sweet little puppy. She has a very sweet face. Comment #4. Moco! You found another great homophone for our world wall (homophones are words that sound alike but mean different things.) Bin means a place to store things (like the book bins in our classroom), been means something that happened in the past. I can't wait to share this cool homophone with the class!! Thanks Moco!! Love, Miss Lipsky P.S. I can't wait to tell Rowdy about your great blog! Comment #5. Hi mrs. Ross! Juliannna C. Comment #6. I'm going to make my blog soon! Julianna C.  Comment #7. awesome, Sheila! sooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo funny! gr8! Moco, enjoy your kabobs, fries, and salad! Julianna C. Comment #8. What a cute puppy! Comment #9. Hi Moco- I am glad you were rescued by such a wonderful family. Your birthday is very close to mine! :). This is all for today and this was Holly because Moco was to lazy to host the show so had dinner and took a nap. Anyway godd night everybody! I mean really good night because, it's 8:36 P.M. and it's a school night and early relase tommrow. Anyway good bye and good night!

Wednesday, October 13, 2010

My first car drive

Hello bloggers! I am here to tell you about my first car drive. So it started like this... my owners wanted to go to the park, and they took them with me! It was bumpy and my poor little claws on my paws would not grab the leather seats. The only good part was the park. With all the grass, dogs, but thing that was that fun was almost getting hit by a soccer ball at the soccer feild at the park.On the ride back home I was lucky I was going home. Once we got home no dog could of bin haapier. P.S. If your a dog never go on a car ride.

Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Reminder from Moco

Hello bloggers! Just a friendly reminder. Please comment on my little blog here. So far only 2 comments but I think I like them the most and I always will. I will not tell you who commented because that person is way to special for you to know. Hold on. Do you know where my soda went kitty cat (my assistance) Uhhh and my pawnail clipper. Yor sodas in the kitchen and the clippers are in the third draw in the bathroom. Thank you kitty cat. Well that's all for right now bloggers! Just a friendly reminder. Bye!

Meet my friends

Hello once again bloggers! My owner had been telling me her teachers are so fantastic that I wanted to tell you about them. First of all there 3rd grade teachers and only 3 of them or her teachers. Her teachers are teacher #1, teacher #2 and teacher #3. The last one isn't hers. Anyway back on teachers. She tells me that teachers #2 and #3 are here math teachers and she says they had done the best job from all the other teachers she's had. Her teachers now more then I know how to cook a Kabob. Well a kabob would be good right now... anyway while I try to order some kabobs lets get onto reading teachers... uhh wait just a second. Uh yes I would like 7 kabobs with a salad and french fries. Ah uh.. ah uh. ah uh uh. Yes. Uh hu. For delivery. 387 Maple street drive way. Ahh yes thank you. Anyway reading kabobs. Uh reading kabob's? Uh focus Moco. Focus. Now onto reading TEACHERS my owner says there the funnest yet the best with read alouds, writing stories, and lots of things and even... DING DONG! Uh just a second. Oh hello. Hi, that will be $14.99. Uh... here you go. Thank you enjoy your kabob's! Thank you! Bye! Anyway my owner says even though she doesn't have teacher #4 she knows she's a (chomp,chomp,chomp) great teacher. (much,munch,munch) (crunch,crunch.crunch) Well bye for now bloggers I have off to finish my kabobs, fries and salad. Bye!

Moco news

Hello again my fellow bloggers! Today welcome to Moco's news channel with all the updates on me. Well right now my loving owner had just come home from school and I know that her teachers are great with and they're just the best! Actually I had never said this before, but... I have a sister. Yup sire I have a sister. Her name is Holly. Her birthday was on February 8, 2009. She was only 1 year old when she died December 24, 2009. But she's a very special little Dachshund. Oh yeah did I mention she was a Dachshund? Well here she is right now. Alright Holly say hello to the fans. "Hi" Well Holly looks like were out of time but tune later with our interview with Holly. Anyway its my lunch break.

     Can I join? While sure you can Holly. Well bye everybody! Say bye Holly. Bye!

Monday, October 11, 2010

Meet me

Hello bloggers! Say hi and finally figure out what I look like. So no more guessing about what I look like because here I am right now. I now I looking loving and adoring but there's a little devil inside me. But one thing I want to say that's a little cute and funny about me. I have only 1 medium sized spot on my back. Anyway glad to meet you bloggers but... ahhh... I am a little sleepy and I think I need a nap. Ahhh... see you later bloggers! Zzzzzzzzz!

About me Moco!

Hello bloggers! Its me Moco! I live with a great family. I am here to tell you a little about me. I'm a Dachshund Chihuahua mix. I am a little boy who is 9 months old and living life good. I special for having my birthday on January 1, 2010 and have been here at my loving home for about 2 months now. I am glad my new family had rescued me from my little prison cage back at Petco. Me Moco, I am lucky I live here with all my doggy friends. What more could a dog ask for? Well maybe some bones, toys, food, belly rubs... Ahhh good old doggy heaven. Anyway see you later bloggers I am have to chase my tail. Bye! 

Welcome to Puppy Moco Palace

Here you can learn about my puppy Moco.